Belegg allround HALLMARK Destroyer
Belegg allround HALLMARK Destroyer
Hallmark / Destroyer, kr. 499,-
HALLMARK Destroyer is an easy-to-control pips-out rubber. Compared to classic long pips-out rubbers,the pips of the Destroyer are slightly shorter, but still longer than in medium pips-out rubbers. Thismakes Hallmark Destroyer very versatile. In blocking situations, the Destroyer produces a distinct anddangerous pips-out effect. It can still be handled by relatively unpracticed players with little long pipsoutexperience and features excellent spin reversal which is perfect for point-winning, active blocking.The Destroyer is the perfect choice for any blocker considering switching from pips-in to pips-outrubbers. Various options in active situations make the Destroyer an efficient and dangerous weaponfor any type of player. It also offers great performance in defense situations. Safe chopping and suddenattacking are possible without having to twiddle or change your technique. Strategy : defensive chopperControl : 93Spin : 99S peed : 43